My CLIC experiment worked, almost too well! The experiment captured the electron energy beam in a unique and unanticipated way, even the physicists were surprised by the result. One said that he had “never seen such a concrete manifestation of radiation!” And yes, it has captured the radiation, in fact it was still radioactive a day later, and had to be stored securely until the unknown half-life was down to a safe level. But it has created a unique form, a frozen beam of particle pulsations, energy embedded into matter. And it is quite rare to get beamtime at CERN, not to mention doing things like this.
And in other news, I have been sonifying various types of accelerator and detector data, with interesting results, working towards a big project… Also, I have donated my book “Mudstone” (from my 2016 Synapse residency) to the CERN library, with encouragement from the library director, with maybe a book talk coming up; and the CERN archives requested that my “When Worlds Collide” montage to be added to their media archives, which is a very nice thing, this project began in their archives and has now come full circle. It is publicly available to view via the CERN archive portal: